Service Administration

We can help you increase overall service efficiency by reducing time consuming manual admin tasks, improving data completeness and managing staff more effectively.

Assessment, Treatment and Risk Management

With PCMIS you have a range of clinically proven tools at your disposal to ensure no one falls through gaps in your service.

Throughout the patient journey your staff can utilise our treatment response prediction tool Outcome Feedback, monitor risk effectively with Supervisor Alerts and flag Safeguarding issues where required. All while gathering assessment and treatment data to ensure the highest possible levels of care.


Harness the wide range of data captured by PCMIS to gain detailed insights into waiting times, treatment outcomes, operational efficiency and much more.

Highly configurable, PCMIS reports can be viewed as graphical dashboards or easy to follow tables and if required, can be exported at the click of a button.

Security, Hosting and Information Governance

The quality and security of your service data is extremely important to us.

We work hard to ensure all our systems and supporting digital technologies comply with industry best practice standards across all criteria.